2nd Kazan International Legal Forum held at Bashir Rameev IT Park – Kazan Federal University


Rector Lenar Safin contributed to the opening ceremony.
He noted that Kazan University has played a major role in bringing up generations of prominent statesmen and scientists, “Kazan University has been training lawyers throughout its history. Today, KFU is a very dynamic ecosystem that is constantly developing, changing and adapting to modern challenges. And if we talk specifically about legal education, it is impossible not to note its demand and undying role. It is a story not only about education, but also about general culture, ethics and understanding of one’s high social mission.”
According to the Rector, it’s important to search for new foundations for international and national legal systems. The Kazan Legal Forum offers one platform for such discussions.
Among those who send greetings to the participants were Minister of Justice of Russia Konstantin Chuichenko, Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of Russia for State Matters and Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov, and Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin. Director of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Legal Studies of the Government of Russia Taliya Khabrieva and President of the Federal Chamber of Notaries made reports at the plenary session.
Subforums include such topics as energy law, tax law, intellectual property, bankrutpcy law, international law, legal education, cybersecurity, real estate, constitutional law, digital government, and other matters.
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