Islamic Azad University delegation welcomed by Vice-Rector for International Affairs Timirkhan Alishev – Kazan Federal University


The Iranian team on 27 September was headed by Vice-Rector Bizhan Radjab.
The delegation also comprised Chancellor of IAU in the city of Gorgan Seyed Ali Taheri, Vice-President for Educational and Professional Sciences Muhammadali Nadi Khursagani, Vice-Rector for Development and Resource Management of IAU Gorgan Mehdi Gharib, Deputy for Coordination and Planning in Golestan Province Hossein Adjam Norouzi, Representative for International Relations of IAU Khossein Zareh, and Representative for Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare of Iran Ali Darvishi.
Vice-Rector Alishev accompanied the delegation at the History Museum, Lenin Memorial Classroom, and the Emperor Ballroom. He showed a presentation of Kazan University and its cooperation with Iran. As of now, there are 1,509 Iranian students here, which a steep growth compared with previous periods. About a thousand of them are enrolled in medical programs.
The Center for Iranian Studies offers Farsi courses – currently studied by 150 students. There is also a joint grant program with Iran’s Center for International Scientific Research and Cooperation. The Vice-Rector suggested applying for such a grant with IAU.
In June 2023, Rector Lenar Safin and other KFU executives visited Iran and signed a number of cooperation agreements in the country.
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