KFU opens 16th International School Conference on Theory of Functions, Its Applications and Related Questions – Kazan Federal University


Over 200 mathematicians have joined the event running from 23 to 27 August.
At the opening on 22 August, First Vice-Rector Dmitry Tayursky welcomed the participants and wished them fruitful work.
Chairman of the organizing comittee, Chair of the Department of Mathematical Analysis Semyon Nasyrov informed that the first such conference was held in 1993 and featured 25 scientists, so the popularity of the initiative has definitely grown since then.
Among the others to greet the colleagues were Academician of the Russian Academy of Science Sergery Kislyakov, Academician of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences Saidakhmat Lakaev, and others.
Among the plenary reports were those on estimates in different metrics in the corona theorem, combinatorial dimension of Rademacher chaos and its unconditionality type properties, unitary representations of transformation groups of infinite-dimensional spaces and invariant measures, interpolation theorem of Marcinkiewicz and tangent boundary behavior of functions from Hardy-type classes, and threshold effects in two- and three-particle systems on optical gratings.
The five thematic sessions are “Theory of functions of a real variable. Series on orthogonal systems of functions” “Theory of functions of complex variable”, “Functional analysis and quantum information theory”, “Differential, integral and integro-differential equations”, and “Applications of analysis in mechanics and physics”.
The co-organizers are Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of KFU, Scientific and Educational Mathematics Center of the Volga Federal District, Moscow State University, and Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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