Summer University to conclude with sightseeing trips and social project presentations – Kazan Federal University
Among the events already experienced by participants are networking sessions, educational lectures, Global Village party, social project sessions, and Russian language lessons.
Vice-Rector for International Affairs Timirkhan Alishev comments, “During the past weekend (15 – 16 July), our guests partook in the Revival – Epic in a New Light Festival in Bolgar and visited the Town Island of Sviyazhsk – both places from the UNESCO World Heritage List. They also toured Innopolis University and KFU’s Yelabuga Institute.”
Among the 300 participants are young people from Turkey, Egypt, Cuba, Algeria, Syria, Colombia, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus and others. The youngest is 18 years old, and the most senior – 37 years old.
20 July will be dedicated to presentation prepared by Summer University students during their stay in Kazan. The last educational events are scheduled for Friday, 21 July. The guests are also going to tour Arsk, Saby and Laishevo districts of Tatarstan.
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