University’s unique polyphenylene sulfide-based products to be used in local industry – Kazan Federal University


General Director of Konstruktorskoye Buro Elektroapparatury (Construction Bureau of Electrical Equipment) Alexander Prikazchikov held talks with KFU’s Laboratory of Synthetic Polymer Materials and Composites.

He was shown some of the Lab’s world-leading unique developments.

“The polymers are based on a superconstructive thermoplastic polyphenylene sulfide. They have extremely low flammability and water absorption and high mechanical strength in a wide temperature range of operability, from – 170 to + 220 degrees Celsius,” explained Professor Igor Antipin, the Laboratory’s research supervisor.

The polymers are produced in Kazan at Khimgrad, a local chemical technology park, in partnership with Inzhekhim and Akhamdullins Research and Technology Center.

According to Dr Antipin, the compounds are of high value for electrical equipment and automotive industries. The Construction Bureau of Electrical Equipment, which has established working links with many government agencies and industry giants, is going to move the products to the Russian market. An agreement will be signed soon.


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