Zavoisky Prize for Young Scientists awarded at KFU – Kazan Federal University


The traditional cerermony took place at the History Museum on 28 September.
First Vice-Rector – and the inaugural recipient of the prize in 1998 – Dmitry Tayursky congratulated the finalists, “I am sure that the prize will stimulate our young scientists to further improve their skills not only in conducting experimental and theoretical research in the field of sciences, but also to broaden their horizons, and, most importantly, to try to explain the essence of their results in clear words.”
Among the guests was Director of Kazan Physical Technical Institute (named after Zavoisky) Sergei Khantimerov, “I wish you further success, scientific endeavors, and to ever be energetic and adventurous.”
This year’s winner is Fadis Murzakhanov, Junior Research Associate of KFU’s Laboratory of Multifunctional Materials for Quantum Sensors. He thanked the award jury for the honor. Among the other four finalists, three represented the University and one – Kazan Physical-Technical Institute. Everyone was awarded by Director of KFU’s Institute of Physics Marat Gafurov.
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